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Dr. Sanjay Joshi
3 days ago2 min read
A Valuable Resource
Dear Readers, hopefully you have now prepared yourself to segregate your household waste into ‘wet’ or ‘biodegradable’ and ‘dry’ or...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Feb 12 min read
Ready for home composting now?
From my last week’s article, you must have understood what to expect while your compost is on the way to maturity or already matured. So...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Jan 252 min read
Bio-compost: A Self- Sustaining Natural Ecosystem
In my last week’s article, I had mentioned that fully ‘matured’ biocompost in your compost bin becomes a well-developed natural ecosystem...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Jan 172 min read
Things to Avoid In Compost Bin
Last week we tried to understand what kind of biodegradable waste ….oh..wait a minute! Shouldn’t we call it as a ‘raw material’ rather...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Jan 112 min read
Food Waste As Compost Bin
Hello Dear Readers, This week, I thought of giving you a pictorial representation of the kind of vegetable and food waste you can add to...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Jan 32 min read
Feel it and Smell it
Dear readers, Wish you all a happy and prosperous new year! Llast week my article gave you a basic protocol of how to set up your own...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Dec 28, 20242 min read
DIY-Creating Your Own Compost Bin (CYOCB)
Ready to have fun while taking care of your kitchen waste? Follow the steps below. Your time starts now!! 1. Take a large plastic bucket...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Dec 21, 20242 min read
Divide and Rule – Do It Yourself (DIY)
So, friends. Did you try that banana peel experiment yet to learn how fresh, yellow peel turns crumbly, black soil? Ever wondered why and...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Nov 30, 20242 min read
Dumping grounds
This seems to be a million dollar question. As we learnt from my last week’s article, open dumping of garbage has potential to spread...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Nov 23, 20242 min read
‘Anatomy’ of a Landfill: Open Dumping Ground
The open dumping grounds are the depots of all different kinds of germs….mostly the ‘bad’ ones! Bad because those germs have tremendous...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Nov 16, 20242 min read
‘Anatomy’ of Landfill- Open Dumping Ground
In my article last week, I had written about the basic composition of garbage that piles up on a dumping ground in hundreds and thousands...

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Nov 9, 20242 min read
‘Anatomy’ of Landfills Open Dumping Ground
Garbage collected from various locations in the city is finally transported to it’s final and ultimate destination that is, landfill....

Dr. Sanjay Joshi
Oct 26, 20242 min read
Journey of Garbage- From Cradle to Grave
Hi friends! In my last article, I wrote about NIMBY syndrome. Due to this attitude of common people, it has become very difficult for the...
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